Get to know Dentist Dr. Yvette Gulesserian, who serves the population of Glendale, California.
Dr. Gulesserian is a dentist currently practicing with her private practice, Rafik Meserkhani & Yvette Gulesserian, DDS, Inc. in Glendale, California. He has graduated with her Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree. To earn a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree, students generally need a four-year undergraduate education. Afterward, they go to dental school for another four years of educational, clinical and dental laboratory training. After graduating with a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree, dentists have to pass rigorous examinations. In the United States, dentists must pass the National Board Dental Examinations, which is a national written exam. They also have to pass a state exam to be licensed to practice there. With such extensive education and examination requirements, patients can rest assured that any dentist with a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree is well qualified.